Emergency Dental Services in Albuquerque, NM

Dental Veneers: How To Improve Your Smile

Posted by Osuna Dental Care Feb 03, 2023

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A veneer is a thin, tooth-shaped shell that is adhered to the front of a tooth to improve its appearance or functionality. Many patients choose to get a veneer placed to repair the look of damaged teeth or to disguise discolored or damaged enamel. However, this combination can also be used to correct cosmetic issues you may be having with your teeth as well.

For example, some patients have severely worn teeth and find that their teeth appear too small for their face. In this situation, a dentist may recommend placing porcelain veneers on the patient’s front four teeth to make the smile look more proportionate with the rest of the face. In other cases, a patient may dislike the pointy appearance of their canine teeth and would like to make them look smaller. In this case, the dentist Albuquerque, NM, would place resin veneers onto the canines to make them appear to be less prominent in the overall grin.

When considering the placement of veneers, it’s important to realize that this treatment is irreversible, so it’s important to make sure that you thoroughly discuss all your options with our cosmetic dentist 87109, before moving forward with the procedure.

Do Veneers Look Like Natural Teeth?

Some patients worry that their veneers will look fake or unnatural, but an experienced dentist Albuquerque, NM, will know how to place them in such a way that they blend in with the rest of the teeth. They require a little preparation to make space for them in the mouth, but once the procedure is complete, they become completely invisible once they’re bonded to the tooth. They look natural and blend in with the rest of the teeth perfectly. This means that no one will be able to tell that you had any work done at all. They are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to change the appearance of their teeth without committing to years of orthodontic treatment.

Veneers are designed to last for several years before they need replacing. It’s often better for patients to get new ones when there’s a change in their appearance because they will be changing their natural smile anyway. This gives them the opportunity to improve their smile even more and make changes that they might not have even considered previously. Talk with your dentist about which options might be best for you to help your smile look its best.

Is a Veneer the Right Treatment For Me?

A veneer is a thin shell that is placed over a tooth to conceal cosmetic imperfections and improve the aesthetics of a smile. If you are unhappy with your smile due to stained or misshapen teeth, a veneer may help you achieve your desired look. However, veneers are a permanent restoration, so it’s important that you consult with your best dentist Albuquerque, NM 87109, before deciding on a treatment option. To evaluate your teeth and determine if a veneer is the right choice for you, your dentist 87109 will carefully examine your mouth and take X-rays of your teeth. They will also review your medical and oral health history to ensure that you are a good candidate for this procedure.

If you are a candidate for the procedure, your dentist 87109 will then prepare your teeth for restorations by removing about 1/16 to 1⁄8 of an inch from your tooth enamel. This is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of tooth structure for your veneers to fit correctly. Your dentist Albuquerque, NM, will take impressions of your teeth so that your custom-fitted veneers can be crafted at a dental lab. Once your veneers are ready, your best dentist Albuquerque, NM 87109, will check their fit and color before bonding them to the front of your teeth using special dental cement. 

Once in place, your veneers should be cared for just like your natural teeth. You should brush them twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and use an ADA-approved mouthwash to help control plaque buildup. You should also floss daily and carefully inspect your gums and any remaining teeth for any signs of damage or infection. If your veneers become damaged for any reason, it’s recommended that you schedule a visit with your dentist Albuquerque, NM, as soon as possible. While durable, veneers are still susceptible to chips and cracks that can negatively impact their appearance and longevity.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can improve your smile with dental veneers, schedule an appointment to meet with the best dentist Albuquerque, NM 87109, today!

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