Dental Pain Treatment in Albuquerque, NM

Dental Pain Treatment in Albuquerque, NM

Dental pain is often a sign of an underlying problem or infection, which should be treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Here are the most common reasons for dental pain:

  • Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of toothaches. They occur when harmful oral bacteria consume sugars from foods and saliva and produce acids that eat away at tooth enamel, causing it to break down. The decaying process begins silently, so you may not feel anything until the decay has created a cavity. 

If left untreated, a cavity can grow into the inner core of the tooth. If it becomes large enough, bacteria could enter and infect the pulp tissue in the center of the tooth and cause an abscessed tooth. An abscess can be painful and uncomfortable and should be treated immediately to avoid serious complications like tooth loss.

  • Tooth Fracture

If the tooth becomes fractured, it’s important to see a dentist in Albuquerque, NM right away. This injury exposes the sensitive inner layer of the dentin. A crack can also expose the root of the tooth and irritate it. If left untreated, the oral bacteria can cause an infection in the pulp chamber that will require root canal treatment to save the tooth.

  • Wisdom Teeth

Although wisdom teeth aren’t necessary for chewing, they can still cause pain for a number of reasons. One reason is that they often grow crooked or impacted. These teeth may become trapped in the jawbone or gums and cause irritation or infection. It’s also common for wisdom teeth to only partially erupt through the gums. This makes them difficult to clean and care for properly, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

  • Root Canal Infections

When a root canal infection occurs, the nerve of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected. This is usually due to a deep cavity that allows bacteria to enter the tooth’s inner chamber. The nerve can be damaged or killed if left untreated. A root canal procedure is often the only way to remove the infection and save the tooth.

  • Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when bacteria form around your teeth and start to cause damage. The bacteria irritate the gums and cause inflammation, which leads to bad breath, gum recession, and tooth sensitivity. Gum disease affects about 70% of adults over the age of thirty.

Tips To Prevent Dental Pain

There are a few things that you can do to prevent dental pain: 

  • Brush your teeth twice a day to remove bacteria and food particles from the surface of the teeth. 
  • Floss every day to remove plaque and food particles between the teeth and under the gum line. 
  • Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to kill germs and help maintain a healthy environment in your mouth. 
  • Visit your dentist regularly to keep your teeth healthy and treat any developing issues early before they become serious. 

Toothache Treatment Options

  • Fillings

Fillings are the most common treatment for tooth decay. The decayed part of the tooth is removed, the space is filled with a material that restores function and aesthetics, and the tooth is restored back to health. On the other hand, if the decay is left untreated, it can spread into the nerve of the tooth and cause an infection that can eventually lead to the loss of the tooth. 

Fillings can be made of different materials, like composite resin, silver amalgam, and gold. There are pros and cons to each of these materials, so discuss your concerns with your dentist to determine which material is best for you.

  • Endodontic Treatment

An endodontic treatment or root canal is a procedure that treats an infected or inflamed tooth. The treatment is necessary when the pulp of the tooth has become infected. During endodontic treatment, an endodontist will remove any infected tissue from the affected tooth. Next, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected to eliminate any additional bacteria. Finally, the tooth is filled with a special material called gutta-percha. This filling helps prevent further decay or infection. Endodontic treatment can help save a natural tooth by preventing the need for a tooth extraction.

To learn more about the dental pain treatments offered by Osuna Dental Care, call us at (505) 884-1989 or visit our dental office located at 5900 Cubero Dr NE suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87109.


5900 Cubero Dr NE suite B,
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Office Hours


TUE7:00 am - 4:00 pm

WED7:30 am - 4:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI7:00 am - 4:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed